The inclusion of products or materials on this web site does not imply an endorsement either expressed or implied by the authors of these documents. This site contains links to other sites and documents. These links are not endorsements of any products or services contained on such sites.
U.S. Department of Education’s Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) website
The official U.S. Department of Education website which brings together IDEA information and resources from the Department and our grantees.
National Science Teaching Association (NSTA)
The official website for NSTA. Members are provided access to journals and resources (both free and discounted) that support students with disabilities in K through Post-secondary settings including their Science for Students with Disabilities page and their Students with Exceptionalities Position Statement page.
NSTA - Special Education Advisory Board
NSTA Board tasked with creating policy and guidelines regarding issues around disabilities.
Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
The premier association for special education professionals with multiple special interest divisions and groups.